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Reasons Why You Need a Price Gun (And Where to Find the Best Ones)

Price guns are widely used in retail outlets, warehouses & stockrooms by individuals who use them for price tagging products. They are useful devices for a number of reasons, especially because they are able to print barcodes and other information onto the products themselves.

Price guns are an easy way for retailers and business owners to mark up products. They offer a cheap and easy solution for changing prices, with no additional branding or design required. Here we’ve listed five reasons why you absolutely need one of these things, plus some top tips on finding the best price gun for your needs.

1. Interchangeability

Marketers can use price guns to introduce product variations, especially as multi-brand firms are utilising design budgets that would normally be devoted to marketing.

Secondary market varieties can increase customers’ willingness to pay, since they will be able to buy more of the product while saving in comparison to buying the same amount of the brand’s generic or competing product style.

As such, finding goods with price guns that are compatible is guaranteed to increase customers’ purchase intent.

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2. Intermodal Marketing

A price gun is a useful marketing tool that allows brand owners and retailers to introduce new products and services, for example by incorporating delivery services into the services or by adding support for specific applications. These products and services will utilise existing stock and supply chains, and therefore the costs of creating it can be significantly reduced, too.

3. Product Range Diversification

While the number of products you may wish to advertise is limited, use price guns to place your product range in a visual context. When you increase the range of products that may be offered for sale at your store, it also increases customers’ familiarity with your range and decreases their efforts to discern which products they want from a limited selection. It will also facilitate the establishment of early customer relationships as you begin to build a brand following.

4. Hypermarkets make better shopping experiences

Consumers stand to benefit the most from saving time and money in comparison with going into a physical store. Due to the highly-convenient nature of purchasing online, hypermarkets offer shoppers access to a wider range of products that are often on special.

Hypermarkets also allow customers to clarify factors such as cost and quantity of a purchase and hopefully make better purchases. Whereas they may have struggled to differentiate between a mattress and bed frame, shoppers will be able to make better purchasing decisions thanks to the availability of metabolic tools at Amazon.

5. Shopping Community

Marketers and owners can use price guns to break up product ranges into smaller offerings that are easier to navigate. Merchants can use them to introduce newsletters, special offers and discount codes. Or even to organise social gatherings for customers that would otherwise have to attend in person.

It’s estimated that around 80% of online shoppers make up their purchase intentions the same way they do two months later. Why? It’s because they are confident they will get the products they are looking for or are satisfied with the price they already paid. Buying online costs roughly 40% more than purchasing in-store, so having a price gun — or several — is a great way to increase your bottom line which should hopefully result in happier and more profitable online shoppers.

Marketers are in love with price guns but also understand the importance of having a well-designed and aesthetically pleasing product. A great product, coupled with a price tag that matches your brand is always going to help you stand out from the crowd!

Price guns can also provide a way to create instant demand for a product if the company is not offering it on its own. All you need to do is include your product in the list of offers the company has and the overall sales/buying intent will be boosted. Multi-format price guns are great for this reason, as well as being a great way to kick-off sales and increase customer satisfaction as they can be easily printed and are therefore a great new revenue stream.

Prices are often distorted from poor information that gets passed around on smartphones. In supermarkets, the risk of getting this information wrong by talking to employees and interacting with them is high. If you have a printer handy, you can make some pretty accurate custom objects at home thanks to their great print quality. Getting the colour and size right can also be quite tricky unless you have a bespoke printer, but this shouldn’t be a problem for many of you!

A price gun potentially avoids some of the issues you could encounter when trying to deal with a store employee, as well as allowing you to mark the products you are interested in up to the cost of the actual product.

Finally, price guns are an easy way to display product information to the public or units of measurement. You can help a customer find more information about the products you are selling or why the price could be a good deal. This can also be used for marketing and affiliate sales, making it a great return on investment for your business.

If you are looking for a low-cost yet effective way to increase your product & price markup, a price gun could be a great option

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This is from one of the most well-known brands in the US, for obvious reasons. The Pronto product is an autonomous working device for tagging and tracking products. It has the most advanced tagging features on the market, enables customers to mark up items by size or more as and when they like, and works with over 700 stores nationwide.

Pronto prices are constantly being updated via their mobile application, allowing power customers to push product prices well beyond the original suggested retail price.

Pronto’s smart features and helpful mobile application make it a popular choice, especially for power users. You can use the tags to display “sold”, “unsold”, product size, brand, price, etc. on products.

Pronto’s kit comes with a simple front cover you stick on with adhesive. This reduces clutter in the warehouse and makes it more convenient to work with. With a few taps on the app, the cover can be removed with double taps. All of its functions are via wireless connection.